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Answer Set Programming
by earl, 6742 days ago
A declarative system based on stable model semantics (a semantic that supports non-monotonic reasoning) originally proposed and developed by Michael Gelfond and Vladimir Lifschitz.

- Gelfond, Lifschitz: The stable model semantics for logic programming (1988)
- Lifschitz, Tang, Turner: Nested expressions in logic programs (1999)

Introductory / related material:

- Torsten Schaub: Antwortmengenprogrammierung (2002)
- Vladimir Lifschitz: Introduction to answer set programming (unpublished draft)

- Torsten Schaub's Collection on Answer Set Programming and more

- Answer Set Programming for the Semantic Web, Tutorial at ESWC 2006

Systems implementing ASP:
- Smodels
- noMoRe
(also have a look at the backlinks)
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