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Sonntag, 2. Juni 2002 link aYago

London will always be 30ms from New York, regardless of Moore’s Law
- Rohit Khare

Dave Winer: The Googlish Way To Do Directories - hey dave, you don't need to modify google for that. if you render your directories (serverside) to html, google already indexes them. try it yourself, and have a look what google knows about search Google for SOAP

stephan schmidt 8300 days ago:
Oh, und mir tut es natuerlich leid um die Mitarbeiter von Qwest, ich habe da noch ein paar Freunde (deren Aktienoptionen wohl alle futsch sind) und die nun ohne Job dastehen. Mir ging es eher ums Management und die Firmenkultur.

gpoul 8299 days ago:
hmmm... why is it that Dave always wants to impose hierarchy on everyone and everything?

I can only imagine how everything works in his company... *yikes*.

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