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Sonntag, 14. Juli 2002 link aYago

Alright allright! Time for the Wiki Tutorial - rocks!

[create Mark Bernstein] makes Tinderbox go wiki: "We now have round-trip Wiki editing running in a beta Tinderbox environment. You download a wiki and drop it into Tinderbox, edit what you like, and then export the changes. Mirror the changed files, and you're set."

The result can be seen at Weblog Kitchen: "[Weblog Kitchen is] a collaborative site, powered by Wiki and Tinderbox, dedicated to serious thinking about weblog and hypertext theory? How do weblogs work? How do we make them better?"

Microsoft's MSDN hat zwei neue Sections: "This presentation provides a brief overview of the key concepts of [create XNS] architecture. It is designed for architects, developers, and system administrators who want to quickly understand how XNS works. It accompanies the first release of the XNS Technical Specifications by XNSORG."

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