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Dienstag, 7. Oktober 2003 link aYago

zwei stunden im audimax auf dem boden sitzen fuehrt durchaus zu unguten gefuehlen im ruecken ...

"Nowadays, I look at the Tapestry code base and think ... woops; a bit too much of Tapestry is inheritance-oriented rather than interface-oriented."

gavin 7808 days ago:
I'm trying a new way of thinking about apps these days--forcing myself to think at two levels basically. First, this somewhat "ideal" and "perfect" object model, representing the essence of your solution. Second, is the way that app lives and breathes in the real world. Thinking interfaces definitely makes that separation possible. (Then again, I'm perfectly happy just thinking about that ideal way; never let the real world intrude on a good thing.)

headcore 7808 days ago:
1/2h vorher da sein plus mitstudenten haben, die einem den platz schon 2/3h vorher freihalten.

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