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Samstag, 8. November 2003 link alle jahre wieder, diesmal konkret, pragmatisch und "sich-gut-anfuehlend": remote authentication zwischen verschiedenen web apps. der initiale gedanke von p3k gut formuliert, eine technische demo von henso samt diskussion finden sich hier bei hns. und hoffentlich bald in der redirect-variante auch in vanilla anzutreffen - freiwillige vor! ... :) Bob McWhirter: "Of course, I'm also fully aware that some/many businessfolks don't know how to write rules and only can keep their jobs because it takes IT quite a while to realized bogus rules in code, and by then, it's assumed that it's IT's fault the system doesn't work or make sense. A transparent business rule facilitating technology will make the business side of the enterprise more directly accountable for their decisions. Be careful what you wish for." gpoul 7777 days ago: |
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