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Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi's Book "Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming" is finally available from MIT Press as well as most of the typical other outlets. Van Roy's book website provides a good overview to help with reading/buying decisions :) "Heres how I see news travel, I think its a pretty self-explanatory graphic, plus Im too lazy to do a proper write up." "[..] it's the raison d'etre for all vocabularies. Without these vocabularies, incomplete and imperfect as they are, we would be mute in the machine readable web, unable to express ourselves in any meaningful way." mod-gjc nun auch mit homepage und kontinuierlichem fortschritt. vielleicht ergibt sich in den naechsten tagen auch die moeglichkeit damit zu experimentieren. mal sehen. Miguel de Icaza: "The botttom line is: no technology today gives you transparent portability." - and I doubt - given our heterogenous OS tradition - that one day some technology will gpoul 7640 days ago: |
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