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Samstag, 11. November 2006 link aYago

AnandTech: "Back when Sony announced the specifications of the PlayStation 3, everyone asked if it meant the end of PC gaming. After all Cell looked very strong and NVIDIA's RSX GPU had tremendous power. We asked NVIDIA how long it would take until we saw a GPU faster than the RSX. Their answer: by the time the PS3 ships. So congratulations to NVIDIA for making the PS3 obsolete before it ever shipped, as G80 is truly a beast."

Not only a beast, but also NVIDIA's first CUDA-enabled offering. Ah, interesting times ...

taggy 6635 days ago:
Seit wann zockst Du?

earl 6634 days ago:
beim CUDA gehts eher darum, dassma die GPU wie eine normale CPU programmiert, allerdings optimiert fuer vektoroperationen.

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