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Dienstag, 21. Juli 2009 link

As part of a spring-cleaning effort here at esa, all registered users who never created or edited a single snip have been deactivated. No innocent kittens were harmed in the process, but if your user has been mistakenly deactivated and you suddenly feel the urgent desire to add a comment: nothing's lost! Simply go ahead and register afresh.

taggy 5694 days ago:
How many users where registered?
How many users are active now?

earl 5694 days ago:
> How many users where registered?


> How many users are active now?

Fewer :)

earl 5694 days ago:
Actually, out of 600+ users, about 80 touched a snip at least once. I might have missed a few (those who changed a snip which was modified later by someone else), but correctly accounting for those cases won't change much (+-5, I'd say).

taggy 5694 days ago:
I'd prefer more precise figures, but that's also OK

Thank's that's amazing.

taggy 5694 days ago:
Btw. hier scheinen einige neue Features dazu gekommen zu sein.

Wann gibt's einen neuen Vanilla Release?

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