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by earl, 8397 days ago
There we go! - Compare Microsoft .NET to J2EE Technology - the evangelization has begun!

- Microsoft .NET Pet Shop - "We implemented Sun's own J2EE best practices blueprint application, the Java Pet Store, using C# and Microsoft .NET. The result? The exact same application functionality was implemented in just 1/3 the code using C#/ASP.NET, and it performs up to 28 times faster than previously published benchmarks of the J2EE application."

njojo. die .NET app schaut auch ziemlich clean und gemuetlich aus. hmm hmm hmm ...

- Building and Integrating XML Web Services with Visual Studio .NET vs. IBM Websphere 4.0

letzteres wird sich ganz gewaltig aendern. die websphere news die mir so zugeflogen sind, klingen sehr vielversprechend. aber besser selbst anschaun -- (new websphere studio tools, ist das wonach man ausschau halten sollte ;)
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