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by earl, 7319 days ago
"dieser algorithmus ist unendlich einfach!"

-- Ao.Univ.Prof. Dr. Matthias Baaz

[ueber einen algorithmus zur erfuellbarkeitsuntersuchung von (aussagenlogischen) hornformeln]

Stevan Apter: "working on an implementation of SQL [in K], i needed a function to perform multi-field sort on a table; i.e., in t, sort f up, g down, h up. Arthur Whitney had the office next to mine, so i strolled over and posed the problem. after 30 seconds of silence, he walked over to the whiteboard and wrote:

     sort:{x y z x}/[_n]

that is, given table t, field-list f, and a list of f-many sort functions o, ... (follow the link for more, believe me, it's absolutely worth it :)

update: ich kann chris nur zustimmen, auf für mich ganz sicher eines der grandiosesten stücke K die ich je gesehen habe.
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