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Mittwoch, 4. April 2001 link

department soap-politics Andrew Layman wrote a mail to soapbuilder-L that opened up my eyes on SOAP. I now have a view where the BigCo's as Dave is always calling them are heading to with SOAP. Read it and tell me what you! think. Also read Dave's rant on Layman's message; and have a look at Eric's mail containing his rant on SOAP.

I think I really got a big picture about Microsoft's and IBM's SOAP plans - it just seems to be that obvious; but more on that later.

habe ausserdem eine kleine anschaffung getaetigt. ein smartcard terminal! - bei conrad im moment um laecherliche ATS 199 zu erwerben.

und wieder ein kleines xmlrpc piece gehackt (heute um 0100 oder so). was triviales diesmal, aber es ging eigentlich eher um die programmiersprache -

i am (somewhat) proud to present: inspector gadget!

- aka 'the inspector'; a tiny piece of ruby that generates xmlrpc html-documentation via the semi-official xmlrpc introspection interface. give it a try! yep, the interface is ugly! yep, it seems to timeout, but that's simply because some servers are far away and quite slow. and yep, i know that the idea is not that new ...

und ausserdem steht ein kleines und sehr feines .NET <-> java project bevor ... *freu*

Charles Cook 8725 days ago:
Just tried "inspector gadget" at


Got this back:

/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.6/xmlrpc/client.rb:194:in `call2': Wrong content-type (RuntimeError)
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.6/xmlrpc/client.rb:166:in `call'
from /tmp/inspector.rhtml.qCMgdr:31

Interested in case the server is causing the problem.

- Charles

earl 8725 days ago:
hi charles! three things:
  • a warm welcome at

  • how did you come here ;) ?

  • your server implementation is sending back a wrong content-type (text/html; charset=iso-8859-1). i've already contacted you regarding this issue, but under my rl-name ;)

Charles Cook 8725 days ago:
Hi Earl - discovered your site a couple - linked from another blog (can't remember which) - noticed XML-RPC mentioned in a few places. Sorry I don't speak German but a colleague at work translates for me sometimes.

Just updated my validator1 service and the Inspector Gadget works perfectly. My fault completely!

I must find the time to have a look at Ruby.

earl 8725 days ago:
It's an old battle whether to write in English or German. German is written a lot faster but also decreases the number of potential readers sharply. English would be a good training but takes me much more time to write. So I usually mix both languages up ;)

Fine! - and ruby is worth looking at! You may also be interested in having a look at xmlrpc-spec-proposal.

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