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Sonntag, 23. Juni 2002 link aYago

"While most Web services are built around remote procedure calls, the WSDL specification allows for another kind of Web services architecture: document style, in which whole documents are exchanged between service clients and servers. In this article, James McCarthy explains what document style is and when you should use it."

"GOO is a new type-based prefix syntaxed language that is simple, powerful and extensible." GOO ist auf der einen seite der nachfolger von proto. andrerseits, und das ist noch viel interessanter, arbeitet Chris Double an einem .NET port: Goo .NET.

lesenswert auch die antwort auf die frage 'What is Goo.NET or Why?': 'Why' is to get a Lisp working on .NET. For the same reason that I used Smalltalk to talk to Groove back when I was experimenting with Groove. I find dynamic languages are just easier to use when prototyping and exploring new environments.

die deutsche Infonyte GmhH hat momentan mit Infonyte-DB das wahrscheinlich schnellste XDBMS am markt. problem ist nur, dass allein fuer die developer license EUR 980 verlangt werden. da bleib ich fuers erste gern bei Xindice. die Infonyte GmbH ist btw ein Spin-Off aus dem Fraunhofer Institut IPSI.

gavin 8280 days ago:
So how about wrapping a tuplespace interface around xindice? Sadly, xindice really only has xpath for queries now. A tuplespace interface that took documents as "queries" would be quite handy I think.

earl 8280 days ago:
interesting thought. any idea what a "query document" could/should look like?

gavin 8280 days ago:
sure. simple really. i'm thinking of the way they do it in ruple or in the xmlspaces paper or in xset. basically you use an "example" of what you're looking for, say you queried with < entry>< book>< /entry>. you'll received all entry docs that contain book as a child to entry. that's a simple xpath as well, it's when you begin constructing deeper queries that this method really shines. xset, in particular, has a storage model that assumes this type of query.

earl 8279 days ago:
hmm. of course :) that's the way to go. an xmlspaces frontend for xindice.

i'll have a look at [create Ruple] (which seems to use an restricted XQuery subset) and XSet. special thanks for the link to the latter, as this could be quite usable for one of my current projects.

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