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Samstag, 27. März 2004 link aYago

It's really nice to see the traction building around Groovy and we can only hope the best. Let's hope that history will prove Bill de hÓra right: "Groovy's legacy will be that it was [the] language that changed how we think about the platform [the JVM, ed.]."

I think, however, that Groovy (at least 'til today) missed one historical chance: to re-introduce the power of the REPL to the programming mainstream. Groovy's "make up", with all it's scripting and other syntactic sugar, is still strongly influenced by the "edit - compile - test" mindset; decent REPL's or other interactive environments (e.g. Beanshell-like stuff) are (still) missing.

The power of interactive environments and "experimental development" is something that deeply changes the approach people take at building software. While I could write on for hours about this topic, I think I couldn't put it more precisely than a software developer of a big financial company put it at a recent seminar I attended:

"Once you've got a productive K programmer, it's like you've got your hands inside the data."

And this is quite true for all interactive environments. This is why Mathematica and IDL and the like meant a huge improvement for a certain set of people. Once you can interactively (and experimentally) work in your problem domain, it becomes incredibly productive. A wisdom long known by Lisp and Smalltalk programmers (and their kind).

While it may be advantegous in some regards (e.g. acceptance-wise) that the development seems to currently concentrate on proper compilation (JVM bytecode generation), I think that improving Groovy's interactive capabilities could not only change "how we think about the JVM" but could deeply change how mainstream programming thinks about building software.

"Libtextcat is a library with functions that implement the classification technique described in Cavnar & Trenkle, 'N-Gram-Based Text Categorization'. It was primarily developed for language guessing, a task on which it is known to perform with near-perfect accuracy."

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