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by earl, 8582 days ago
-- Announcing xr2pop: "xr2pop is a simple XML-RPC to POP3 gateway, closely mapping POP3 actions to XML-RPC callable methods."

Please give it a try and report back to me!

Welcome to the RESTWiki: "In particular, REST suggests that what the Web got right is having a small, global set of verbs (HTTP's methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc) applied to a potentially infinite set of nouns (URIs - though we're careful to keep in mind that some VerbsCanAlsoBeNouns), because such a system allows a maximum number of otherwise uncoordinated actors to interoperate." [via pwtm]

sehr interessant. ein wiki dass nur der behandlung des REST modells dient. dort finden sich so grandiose dinge wie How To Convert Rpc To Rest. lesenswert! (maybe you'd like to compare that to my xml-rpc-intro)

Category 'schnueff':
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