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by earl, 8563 days ago
Wo bleibt vanilal, die schluckspecht edition? ;) Und die EU-Gesunheitsminister warnen:

vanilla kann suechtig machen!

now go and get your own:

and now back to mode "normal":

SOAP interop: Microsoft hat einen (langen) SOAP interop test artikel online. anhand einer kleinen beispiel implementation werden ms soap (com), ms soap (.net), soap::lite und apacha soap betrachtet.

ACS Java Home: "The next generation of the ArsDigita Community System (ACS) is an open-source Java platform for web application development, code-named "Tinman". It will provide a breadth of Java APIs important for building web applications" - ...
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echo earlZstrainYat|tr ZY @. • esa3 • online for 8745 days • c'est un vanilla site