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by earl, 8163 days ago
MSDN: "The Argument Against Soap Encoding" - "This article explains why SOAP encoding, also known as 'Section 5 encoding,' is a shadow from SOAP's past that has no place in the future of Web services."

klingt wuester als es in wirklichkeit ist :) herrn tim ewald geht es da um diffizile punkte die validierung von messages betreffend - trotzdem interessant zu lesen.

"Everything you always wanted to know about object initialization in Java ..." [via lcom@]

"Developers will find GWS (Groove Web Services) to be a textbook example of a style that has come to be called 'RESTful SOAP.' [...] As we watched GWS technical lead John Burkhardt build a WinForms GWS client in Visual Studio .Net, we realized that we needed no further explanation to do exactly the same thing in wxPython on a Macintosh or in PHP on a Web page. 'I've wanted a search service that will troll through my Groove spaces,' Burkhardt says. 'We've talked about building that into Groove, but now I can write it externally -- both quicker and with more flexibility.'" [via lcom@]
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