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Jaron Lanier
by earl, 8101 days ago
Computer scientist and musician. Philosopher as well.

Author of "One Half Of A Manifesto", published at edge.

In his "Half a Manifesto" he takes on those he terms the "cybernetic totalists" who do not seem "to not have been educated in the tradition of scientific skepticism. I understand why they are intoxicated. There IS a compelling simple logic behind their thinking and elegance in thought is infectious."

"There is a real chance that evolutionary psychology, artificial intelligence, Moore's Law fetishizing, and the rest of the package, will catch on in a big way, as big as Freud or Marx did in their times. Or bigger, since these ideas might end up essentially built into the software that runs our society and our lives. If that happens, the ideology of cybernetic totalist intellectuals will be amplified from novelty into a force that could cause suffering for millions of people. [...]"
-- from the edge introduction to "One Half Of A Manifesto"

To paraphrase Sam Salt (University of Derby): While studying the philosophical aspects behind AI, future and life may look a bit "gloomy." Lanier's paper provides you with some "hearty" future prospects.

On the edge's Lanier index page, links to answers to the ".5 Manifesto" from Daniel Dennett, [create Bruce Sterling], [create George Dyson], [create Freeman Dyson] and many more can be found.

A PopTech related Interview with Jaron Lanier - coiner of the term "virtual reality", they say. Lately he thinks about "phenotropics": it seems he want's to get rid of protocols to transmit information and calls for "a post-protocol formulation of computer science".



See also: Ray Kurzweil

Contributors to this snip: motz
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