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Resource Description Framework
"An RDF document is a collection of assertions in subject verb object (S,V,O) form."
As seen by the W3C, RDF is a fundamental part of the "Semantic Web Stack".
Articles, Essays, Rants, Books: - Make your XML RDF-Friendly, XML.com - Why RDF is hard, Jack William Bell - The Resource Description Framework in 500 Words (Not Including These), Danny Ayers
Visual RDF Modelling Tools: - IsaViz - RDFAuthor
RDF Frameworks: - Cwm - Jena - Redland - Sesame
RDF Notations: - N3 (Notation 3), N-Triples, Turtle - RDF/XML, TriX
Query Languages: - rdfDB QL - RQL - SquishQL / RDQL - [create SeRQL] - SPARQL - Versa
- Miller, Seaborne, Reggiori: "Three Implementations of SquishQL, a Simple RDF Query Language"
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