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by unknown, a long time ago
Yee ho, this space supports various indices. You might be interested in the other methods as well. Check out index-alphabetical, date-index, index3, recent-stores, wanted-snips and most-popular.

Wanted snips are snips which are referenced somewhere but do not actually exist. You can check by here semi-regularly and help to improve the quality of this space ;)

  • [create 2003-02-06] (1: comment-2002-12-30-1 )
  • [create 2010-10-01] (1: comment-2002-10-01-1 )
  • [create 24C3] (1: 2008-01-10 )
  • [create 3G] (1: Fredrik Hacklin )
  • [create ;login:] (1: 2007-03-19 )
  • [create Abdulaziz Ghuloum] (1: Ikarus )
  • [create about] (1: 2001-06-06 )
  • [create Accelerator] (1: 2005-12-30 )
  • [create Actor model] (1: PARLEY )
  • [create Actors] (1: Actorom )
  • [create Ada] (1: AuroraUX )
  • [create Adam Souzis] (1: Rx4RDF )
  • [create ADO.NET] (2: ADO Neo )
  • [create Adobe] (1: Apollo )
  • [create Aduna] (1: Aperture )
  • [create Advanced Programming Language Design] (2: Continuations Coroutines )
  • [create AJAX] (1: YUI )
  • [create Alan Cox] (1: 2002-02-13 )
  • [create Alex Shapiro] (1: 2002-04-23 )
  • [create Alfred Aho] (1: AWK )
  • [create Algae] (1: vector-languages )
  • [create ALGOL] (1: LISP )
  • [create Almaden] (1: TSpaces )
  • [create altavista] (1: 2001-09-03 )
  • [create Amaury Darsch] (1: aleph )
  • [create Amazon SQS] (1: AWS )
  • [create AMD] (1: Framewave )
  • [create Amiga] (2: Carl Sassenrath Killing-Good-Technology-With-Stupid-Management )
  • [create Andreas Grünhagen] (1: XL )
  • [create Anton Pirker] (1: Urban Golf )
  • [create Apache Avalon] (1: Java Microkernels )
  • [create Apache Felix] (1: OSGi )
  • [create APP] (1: mod_atom )
  • [create apt-get] (1: 2002-07-05 )
  • [create ArsTechnica] (1: 2002-02-26 )
  • [create Attribute Grammar] (1: UUAG )
  • [create AWT] (1: Swing )
  • [create BBC Research] (1: Kamaelia )
  • [create Be] (1: Benoit Schillings )
  • [create Bell Labs] (1: Rob Pike )
  • [create BeOS] (1: Benoit Schillings )
  • [create Berkeley DB] (4: 2004-04-06 Cupboard HydraCube Lux IO )
  • [create Best Practical] (1: Hiveminder )
  • [create Beta] (1: Lars Bak )
  • [create BigTable] (1: Cassandra )
  • [create Bison] (1: Gazelle )
  • [create BLAS] (1: MatLisp )
  • [create blog] (1: traumwind )
  • [create Blogger] (2: Evan Williams Ruby/Blogger )
  • [create Bloxsom] (1: 2008-11-18 )
  • [create Bob McWirther] (2: 2003-04-03 2003-04-19 )
  • [create Brian Kernighan] (1: AWK )
  • [create Bruce Sterling] (1: Jaron Lanier )
  • [create Bryan Ford] (1: Vx32 )
  • [create Buildroot] (1: xen-notes )
  • [create Business Objects] (1: CAL )
  • [create BusyBox] (1: xen-notes )
  • [create Cadence] (3: Eliot Miranda Newspeak Vassili Bykov )
  • [create Camping] (1: web-microframeworks )
  • [create Carlos Castillo] (1: WIRE )
  • [create CASE] (1: Kirby McInnis )
  • [create Castek] (1: Kirby McInnis )
  • [create Castor] (2: 2003-01-16 XDoclet )
  • [create Caucho] (1: Burlap )
  • [create CDDB] (1: MusicBrainz )
  • [create CELP] (1: Speex )
  • [create CERN] (3: ESA Information Management: A Proposal Tim Berners-Lee )
  • [create Chang Zhao] (1: FLORA-2 )
  • [create Charles Nutter] (1: Mirah )
  • [create CherryPy] (1: web-microframeworks )
  • [create Chris Locke] (1: 2002-10-02 )
  • [create Chris Stolte] (1: Polaris )
  • [create CICS] (1: Z )
  • [create CISC] (3: 2008-05-19 EPIC zSeries )
  • [create Cisco] (2: AMQP ATnet )
  • [create CiteSeer] (1: Dieter Merkl )
  • [create Clojure] (2: Cupboard FleetDB )
  • [create CMSWatch] (1: 2001-11-04 )
  • [create COBOL] (1: LISP )
  • [create CODASYL] (1: RDBMS )
  • [create COM] (3: 2001-07-10 DispHelper Don Box )
  • [create comments-link-prefix] (1: link-prefix )
  • [create CommonJS] (1: RingoJS )
  • [create Compaq] (3: DEC Luiz André Barroso Piranha )
  • [create Continuation Passing Style] (1: Cheney on the M.T.A )
  • [create CORSO] (1: comment-2002-08-07-2 )
  • [create Cray] (1: Chapel )
  • [create CRC] (1: Ward Cunningham )
  • [create cross cross] (1: comment-2002-10-31-1 )
  • [create CSS] (3: FOUC Malo YUI )
  • [create CVS] (2: Darcs Subversion )
  • [create D] (1: 2008-09-20 )
  • [create DAML] (1: SOFA )
  • [create DAML+OIL] (5: 2003-12-12 DQL OilEd OWL Wilbur )
  • [create Dan Ingalls] (2: 2008-05-25 JSqueak )
  • [create Dan Libby] (1: RSS )
  • [create Daniel Horn] (1: BrookGPU )
  • [create Daniel J. Bernstein] (1: DNSCurve )
  • [create Daniel Lemire] (1: Cofi )
  • [create Daniel Patterson] (1: 2013-11-10 )
  • [create Daniela Florescu] (1: XL )
  • [create Darius Bacon] (1: Sniki )
  • [create Darko Anicic] (1: MINS )
  • [create DARPA] (2: Cougaar John M. Poindexter )
  • [create Darwin] (1: 2002-07-05 )
  • [create DAS] (1: Tuscany )
  • [create data-mining] (1: google )
  • [create Datenkraft] (1: 2005-12-29 )
  • [create David McCusker] (2: 2002-04-30 2002-07-01 )
  • [create David Warren] (1: HiLog )
  • [create DCOM] (2: 2001-07-10 Indigo )
  • [create Deductive Database] (1: Aditi )
  • [create DeltaV] (2: 2003-09-17 Subversion )
  • [create Design for Community] (1: Derek Powazek )
  • [create DFKI] (1: Aperture )
  • [create Diane Tang] (1: Polaris )
  • [create Dieter Kühner] (1: Robert Kowalski )
  • [create DietLinux] (1: xen-notes )
  • [create Dis] (1: Inferno )
  • [create Django] (2: Jacob Kaplan-Moss Review Board )
  • [create DNSSEC] (1: 2009-05-01 )
  • [create DOM] (5: 2002-02-25 2003-04-21 4Suite Infonyte-DB YUI )
  • [create dom4j] (1: James Strachan )
  • [create Dominic Giampaolo] (2: 2002-04-07 Benoit Schillings )
  • [create Donald Kossmann] (1: XL )
  • [create DOS] (1: DOSBox )
  • [create Dot] (1: Karmasphere DP )
  • [create DotGNU] (1: 2001-12-04 )
  • [create Douglas Engelbart] (1: classics )
  • [create DRM] (1: 2002-06-30 )
  • [create Drupal] (1: 2004-06-20 )
  • [create DSP] (1: Feldspar )
  • [create DTrace] (1: SystemTap )
  • [create Dyalog] (2: Flipdb Min )
  • [create Dynamo [DB]] (1: Cassandra )
  • [create E4X] (1: 2004-02-10 )
  • [create Edgar Codd] (1: RDBMS )
  • [create Edward Sapir] (1: 2004-06-26 )
  • [create Edward Tufte] (1: 2001-05-29 )
  • [create efernandez] (1: esa-readers )
  • [create Elliotte Rusty Harold] (1: Cafe au Lait )
  • [create Elsa] (1: Pork )
  • [create Emilio Davis] (1: WIRE )
  • [create Eric Iverson] (1: 2011-03-08 )
  • [create ETH Zürich] (2: Oberon PfP LMS )
  • [create Eulisp] (1: ISLisp )
  • [create EventMachine] (1: Node )
  • [create Exasol] (1: column-stores )
  • [create Exceptions] (1: Continuations )
  • [create Excite] (2: Graham Spencer Joe Kraus )
  • [create ext3] (1: ext3cow )
  • [create Faceted Search] (1: Flamenco )
  • [create FastBit] (1: column-stores )
  • [create Flash Remoting] (1: PHPObject )
  • [create FORTH] (1: Factor )
  • [create FPGA] (1: Reduceron )
  • [create Freebase] (2: Freebase WEX Graphd )
  • [create FreeDB] (1: MusicBrainz )
  • [create Freeman Dyson] (1: Jaron Lanier )
  • [create Frontier] (1: 2002-09-06 )
  • [create FTP] (1: 2002-05-31 )
  • [create FUSE] (1: Fuserl )
  • [create g] (2: comment-2002-07-26-3 comment-2005-05-19-1 )
  • [create Gabriele Santilli] (1: 2003-05-10 )
  • [create GAIA] (1: The Mind Electric )
  • [create Gartner] (1: comment-2001-12-06-1 )
  • [create Generic C#] (1: 2005-01-07 )
  • [create Genoa I] (1: John M. Poindexter )
  • [create George Dyson] (1: Jaron Lanier )
  • [create gg] (1: comment-2005-05-19-1 )
  • [create GHC] (3: 2008-08-06 LHC Liskell )
  • [create GLEE] (2: chl-2002-01-01 vector-languages )
  • [create GLR] (1: DParser )
  • [create GLUE] (1: The Mind Electric )
  • [create GMD] (1: Jochen Liedtke )
  • [create GNOME] (5: 2002-02-13 Bonobo Muine Seed Ximian )
  • [create GNU Emacs 21] (1: comment-2001-10-22-2 )
  • [create GNU Screen] (1: tmux )
  • [create GNU Smalltalk] (1: GtkLauncher )
  • [create GObject] (1: Seed )
  • [create Google Wave] (1: 2010-08-04 )
  • [create GP] (1: 2002-03-27 )
  • [create GPRS] (1: Fredrik Hacklin )
  • [create Grails] (1: GORM )
  • [create Graphing Calculator] (1: 2004-12-29 )
  • [create GraphML] (1: yEd )
  • [create GraphViz] (1: Karmasphere DP )
  • [create Greg Pettyjohn] (1: 2005-10-08 )
  • [create GRIN] (1: LHC )
  • [create GroupLens] (1: Paul Resnick )
  • [create Guizhen Yang] (1: FLORA-2 )
  • [create GWT] (1: 2008-12-03 )
  • [create h3] (1: h2 )
  • [create Hailstorm] (1: 2001-07-09 )
  • [create Hannes Wallnöfer] (2: 2008-09-05 Gong )
  • [create Hans Tompits] (1: dlvhex )
  • [create Harold Abelson] (1: Gerald Sussman )
  • [create HBase] (1: Zohmg )
  • [create HCI] (1: Ben Shneiderman )
  • [create HDVA] (1: comment-2002-03-26-1 )
  • [create Helmut Leitner] (1: Wiki )
  • [create Henrik Frystyk] (1: Roy Fielding )
  • [create Hewlett-Packard] (1: Carl Sassenrath )
  • [create Holger Lausen] (1: MINS )
  • [create HotSpot] (3: 2009-03-23 JIT OpenJDK )
  • [create HTML] (5: EditWorks htmlArea Roy Fielding Wiky XHTML )
  • [create HTML editor] (1: Ekit )
  • [create HyperCard] (1: Hypertext )
  • [create HyperPerl] (1: 2001-09-16 )
  • [create Hypervisor] (1: Lguest )
  • [create IA32] (1: Larceny )
  • [create Ian Buck] (1: BrookGPU )
  • [create Ian Lance Taylor] (1: Go (Language) )
  • [create iCal] (1: 2008-03-26 )
  • [create Icatis] (1: ComputeMode )
  • [create Icon] (1: Eliza )
  • [create Id] (1: pH )
  • [create IDEA] (1: 2002-03-06 )
  • [create Idée] (1: PixID )
  • [create Ikiwiki] (1: 2008-11-18 )
  • [create IMAP4] (1: JavaMail )
  • [create iMatix] (1: OpenAMQ )
  • [create InfiniDB] (1: column-stores )
  • [create Infobright] (1: column-stores )
  • [create Informix] (1: RDBMS )
  • [create IntaSpaces] (1: comment-2002-06-05-3 )
  • [create IntelliJ IDEA] (2: 2005-01-03 JetBrains )
  • [create Interbase] (1: FirebirdSQL )
  • [create Ion] (1: dwm )
  • [create iPAQ] (1: 2002-02-18 )
  • [create IPP] (1: Framewave )
  • [create IronPython] (1: 2007-07-26 )
  • [create Jabber Software Foundation] (1: 2002-06-15 )
  • [create James Wu] (1: F-Logic )
  • [create Janne Saarela] (1: SiLRI )
  • [create java] (1: 2001-06-08 )
  • [create Java2D] (1: PDF Renderer )
  • [create JavaDoc] (1: XDoclet )
  • [create JavaFX] (1: JavaFX Script )
  • [create Javangelist] (1: comment-2002-04-10-1 )
  • [create JavaScriptCore] (1: Seed )
  • [create jaxen] (2: 2003-04-03 James Strachan )
  • [create JBind] (1: 2003-01-16 )
  • [create JBoss] (1: Java Microkernels )
  • [create Jeff Darcy] (1: 2002-07-01 )
  • [create Jeremy Sugerman] (1: BrookGPU )
  • [create Jive Software] (1: Wildfire )
  • [create JKU Linz] (1: Christian Wimmer )
  • [create JNLP] (1: 2003-09-17 )
  • [create Joe Gibbs Politz] (1: 2013-11-10 )
  • [create John Clements] (1: 2005-10-08 )
  • [create John von Neumann] (1: Heinz von Foerster )
  • [create John Wilson] (1: 2001-11-28 )
  • [create Jonas Bonér] (1: AspectWerkz )
  • [create Jonathan Eisenzopf] (1: 2002-09-06 )
  • [create Jonathan Tang] (1: 2008-02-08 )
  • [create Joost] (1: Lib B )
  • [create jQuery] (1: jGrowl )
  • [create JSON-RPC] (1: Protocol Buffers )
  • [create JXTA] (3: 2003-06-21 Edutella jxtaSpaces )
  • [create Jython] (2: 2005-08-24 Happy )
  • [create Jürg Gutknecht] (1: Oberon )
  • [create Jürgen Angele] (1: SiLRI )
  • [create Karin Harrasser] (1: 2002-01-02 )
  • [create Kayvon Fatahalian] (1: BrookGPU )
  • [create Ken Thompson] (1: Go (Language) )
  • [create Kickfire] (1: column-stores )
  • [create KM] (3: 2001-12-31 Enrico Franconi Ontology )
  • [create Knopflerfish] (1: OSGi )
  • [create kv-stores] (2: Cassandra Membase )
  • [create L3] (1: Jochen Liedtke )
  • [create LAPACK] (1: MatLisp )
  • [create Lawrence Rosen] (1: 2002-08-10 )
  • [create LDAP] (1: PowerDNS )
  • [create Lennart Augustsson] (1: Cayenne )
  • [create Leslie Lamport] (1: BibTeX )
  • [create libeio] (1: Node )
  • [create libev] (1: Node )
  • [create libowfat] (1: opentracker )
  • [create LifeStreams] (3: 2001-12-31 2002-02-02 David Gelernter )
  • [create Limbo] (1: Inferno )
  • [create Linda] (4: 2002-05-05 Nicholas Carriero PyLinda Tuple Spaces )
  • [create Linear Algebra] (2: 2004-05-03 JAMA )
  • [create Lint] (1: Stephen Johnson )
  • [create Linux] (2: Btrfs Lguest )
  • [create Lisaac] (1: Isaac )
  • [create london] (1: wien )
  • [create Louis Rosenfeld] (1: Information Architecture for the World Wide Web )
  • [create Lout] (1: Scientific Editing )
  • [create LSTP] (1: 2001-11-01 )
  • [create Lucid Ventures] (1: Nova Spivack )
  • [create Luiz André Barroso] (1: 2005-12-11 )
  • [create Mac OS X] (4: 2002-07-05 DEC Fink Konfabulator )
  • [create Mach] (1: DEC )
  • [create Machine Learning] (1: PyBrain )
  • [create Maemo] (1: 2010-02-15 )
  • [create Make] (1: Paver )
  • [create man] (1: Ron )
  • [create Manila] (1: CMS )
  • [create Map-Reduce] (1: Disco )
  • [create Mark Baker] (1: REST )
  • [create Mark Bernstein] (1: 2002-07-14 )
  • [create Markdown] (1: WMD )
  • [create MathML] (1: Blahtex )
  • [create Matlab] (2: OMPC vector-languages )
  • [create Matzleinsdorferplatz] (1: 2002-01-24 )
  • [create Max Völkel] (1: 2006-10-25 )
  • [create mbox] (1: mstor )
  • [create Meatball:WikiAsPim] (1: 2002-02-23 )
  • [create Memex] (1: Hypertext )
  • [create Merb] (1: web-microframeworks )
  • [create Mercurial] (2: 2010-03-18 Hatta )
  • [create Michael Sintek] (1: TRIPLE )
  • [create Michael Stonebraker] (1: VoltDB )
  • [create Microsoft Research] (1: Luca Cardelli )
  • [create Microsoft SQL Server] (1: RDBMS )
  • [create Midgard] (1: 2001-11-04 )
  • [create Mike Houston] (1: BrookGPU )
  • [create Mike Pall] (1: 2008-02-06 )
  • [create MIME] (2: JavaMail WSDL )
  • [create Miranda] (1: David Turner )
  • [create mirsche] (1: 2001-06-06 )
  • [create ML] (1: Ur )
  • [create Modal Logic] (1: 2007-01-04 )
  • [create Model 2] (1: Maverick )
  • [create Modula] (3: 2008-09-20 Oberon Oberon Language )
  • [create Monsoon] (1: pH )
  • [create Morgan Stanley] (1: A%2B )
  • [create Motorola] (1: PPC )
  • [create MSMQ] (1: Indigo )
  • [create Narval] (1: 2001-10-18 )
  • [create NASA] (1: CLIPS )
  • [create Natural Language Processing] (1: Computational Linguistics )
  • [create Nautilus] (1: Ximian )
  • [create NCR Teradata] (1: RDBMS )
  • [create Nested Data Parallelism] (1: Manticore )
  • [create NetRexx] (1: 2005-08-24 )
  • [create Netscape] (1: RSS )
  • [create NeuroGrid] (1: 2002-01-26 )
  • [create NHS] (1: NHS Healthcare Model )
  • [create nice date] (1: comment-2002-10-01-1 )
  • [create Nick Cave] (1: 2001-06-02 )
  • [create NIO] (1: Grizzly )
  • [create NNTP] (1: NewzCrawler )
  • [create Nokia] (1: Patrick Stickler )
  • [create Nokia Research Center] (1: Disco )
  • [create Norbert Wiener] (1: Heinz von Foerster )
  • [create Norman Ramsey] (1: C-- )
  • [create Novell] (2: 2006-03-31 AMQP )
  • [create Nutch] (1: Hadoop )
  • [create O/R] (1: Torque )
  • [create Object Prevalence] (1: 2003-11-02 )
  • [create ObjectStudio] (1: Cincom )
  • [create ObjectWorks] (1: JIT )
  • [create OCaml] (7: BNFC Coq JoCaml Mirage MLFi OCaml light Ocsigen )
  • [create Octave] (1: vector-languages )
  • [create ODBC] (3: ADO JDBC RDO )
  • [create Olin Shivers] (1: 2008-01-29 )
  • [create OOA] (1: OO )
  • [create OOAD] (1: OO )
  • [create OOD] (1: OO )
  • [create OODBMS] (1: ODB )
  • [create OOSE] (1: OO )
  • [create OOVM] (1: Lars Bak )
  • [create OpenGL] (2: Cairo CL-SDL )
  • [create OpenVMS] (1: 2002-01-31 )
  • [create ORB] (1: IIOP )
  • [create ORM] (2: Storm TopLink )
  • [create ORML] (2: GLORP Hibernate )
  • [create OS] (1: BareMetal )
  • [create Palladium] (1: 2002-07-01 )
  • [create Palm] (1: 2001-12-14 )
  • [create ParAccel] (1: column-stores )
  • [create PARC] (1: NoteCards )
  • [create PASCAL] (1: 2008-05-26 )
  • [create Paste] (1: web-microframeworks )
  • [create Patrik Simons] (1: Smodels )
  • [create Paul Mansour] (1: Flipdb )
  • [create Paul Prescod] (2: 2002-09-24 REST )
  • [create PDF] (2: PDF Renderer PDFMiner )
  • [create PDP] (1: DEC )
  • [create PDP-11] (1: Xhomer )
  • [create performance] (1: comment-2009-02-25-1 )
  • [create Peter Seibel] (1: Practical Common Lisp )
  • [create Peter Thoeny] (2: StructuredWikis TWiki )
  • [create Peter Weinberger] (1: AWK )
  • [create Phil Zimmermann] (1: 2001-12-06 )
  • [create Philippe Roussel] (1: Prolog )
  • [create PHP] (7: 2001-09-30 beanstalkd Ning PHPObject Sam Ruby Thrift web-microframeworks )
  • [create PL/SQL] (1: PSP )
  • [create Plan 9] (1: Rob Pike )
  • [create Ployglot] (1: JPred )
  • [create Pointcast] (1: CDF )
  • [create POP3] (2: JavaMail mpop )
  • [create Portable.NET] (1: 2001-12-04 )
  • [create PostgreSQL] (1: RDBMS )
  • [create PowerPC] (2: CorePy GNU Lightning )
  • [create Powerset] (1: Fuzed )
  • [create Project MAC] (1: David Ness )
  • [create Propositional Logic] (1: Gerhard Gentzen )
  • [create Pyjamas] (1: 2008-12-03 )
  • [create PyLucene] (1: JCC )
  • [create Pyret] (1: 2013-11-10 )
  • [create PyTables] (1: column-stores )
  • [create QNX] (2: 2001-09-09 2001-10-06 )
  • [create Qtopia] (1: 2002-02-10 )
  • [create QuestMap] (1: Compendium )
  • [create Quick] (1: 2003-01-16 )
  • [create Qwaq] (1: Cog [VM] )
  • [create Racket] (1: 2013-11-10 )
  • [create RAD] (1: comment-2002-04-10-3 )
  • [create Radar Networks] (1: Nova Spivack )
  • [create RADIUS] (1: DIAMETER )
  • [create Rake] (1: Paver )
  • [create Ralf Lämmel] (2: 2005-12-29 Strafunski )
  • [create Ralf Möller] (1: RACER )
  • [create Randall Trigg] (1: NoteCards )
  • [create Red Hat] (1: AMQP )
  • [create Regular Expression] (1: TRE )
  • [create RETE] (1: LEAPS )
  • [create Rich Collins] (1: VertexDB )
  • [create Rinda] (1: comment-2002-06-05-3 )
  • [create Robert Griesemer] (2: 2010-04-08 Go (Language) )
  • [create Rohit Khare] (1: FoRK )
  • [create Ronin International] (1: Scott Ambler )
  • [create RRD] (1: Graphite )
  • [create rsync] (2: Lsyncd zsync )
  • [create RTCC] (1: 2001-09-30 )
  • [create RuleML] (1: OntoJava )
  • [create Ruple] (1: comment-2002-06-23-4 )
  • [create Rusty Russel] (1: Lguest )
  • [create S] (1: vector-languages )
  • [create Safari] (1: WebKit )
  • [create Sage] (1: Codenode )
  • [create salon:equant] (1: 2002-06-01 )
  • [create SAP] (1: 2004-06-10 )
  • [create SAT] (3: ASSAT MiniSat WalkSAT )
  • [create savange] (1: 2001-06-06 )
  • [create SAX] (3: 2002-02-25 4Suite Piccolo )
  • [create SCA] (1: Tuscany )
  • [create scheucher] (1: 2001-06-06 )
  • [create Scintilla] (1: editors )
  • [create SciTE] (1: 2002-05-05 )
  • [create Scott Ferguson] (1: Burlap )
  • [create SCP] (1: WinSCP )
  • [create Screen] (2: dvtm Ratpoison )
  • [create SDE] (1: 2002-04-20 )
  • [create SDF] (1: Spoofax )
  • [create Semantic Studios] (1: Peter Morville )
  • [create SeRQL] (2: 2004-05-14 RDF )
  • [create Seymour Papert] (1: Logo )
  • [create SFS] (1: 2001-11-01 )
  • [create SFTP] (1: WinSCP )
  • [create SGI] (1: MIPS )
  • [create SIFT] (1: comment-2008-01-22-2 )
  • [create Simon Fell] (1: 2001-06-10 )
  • [create Sinatra] (1: web-microframeworks )
  • [create Singularity] (1: Ray Kurzweil )
  • [create Skype] (1: fring )
  • [create Small Pieces Loosely Joined] (1: David Weinberger )
  • [create SML/NJ] (1: Mythryl )
  • [create SMTP] (4: JavaMail msmtp Pen SubEthaSMTP )
  • [create Solaris] (2: AuroraUX ZFS )
  • [create Spring] (1: OSGi )
  • [create Sriram Srinivasan] (1: Kilim )
  • [create SSL] (1: 2002-07-10 )
  • [create Standard ML] (3: 2002-06-26 2005-01-07 Alice )
  • [create Stanford] (1: 2003-06-24 )
  • [create starforce] (1: comment-2009-05-28-1 )
  • [create Stefan Manegold] (1: Calibrator )
  • [create STOMP] (1: Morbid )
  • [create strace] (1: fabricate )
  • [create StrongARM] (1: Flex Compiler Infrastructure )
  • [create Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs] (1: 2003-02-10 )
  • [create SURF] (1: comment-2008-01-22-2 )
  • [create Susan Blackmore] (1: 2003-01-11 )
  • [create SWT] (3: 2002-11-10 Swing SwingWT )
  • [create Sybase] (1: RDBMS )
  • [create Sybase IQ] (1: column-stores )
  • [create Symbolics] (1: David Moon )
  • [create TCP] (5: Balance IIOP Pen Tsunami Unetstack )
  • [create Term Rewriting] (1: Pure )
  • [create Terry Winograd] (1: SHRDLU )
  • [create testbed:2001-08-20] (1: 2001-08-20 )
  • [create testbed:vanilla-rendering-pipeline] (1: 2001-10-09 )
  • [create TeX] (1: Blahtex )
  • [create TeXmacs] (1: Scientific Editing )
  • [create The Age Of Spiritual Machines] (1: Ray Kurzweil )
  • [create The Cluetrain Manifesto] (1: David Weinberger )
  • [create The Object Primer] (1: Scott Ambler )
  • [create Thomas Kühne] (1: 2001-06-04 )
  • [create Thomas Moran] (1: NoteCards )
  • [create Tigris] (1: Krysalis )
  • [create Tim Foley] (1: BrookGPU )
  • [create Tobias Oetiker] (1: RRDtool )
  • [create Toby Segaran] (1: 2008-05-29 )
  • [create Tokyo Cabinet] (2: Lux IO VertexDB )
  • [create Tom DeMarco] (1: 2002-04-02 )
  • [create Tom Fürstner] (6: 2001-06-04 2001-09-01 2003-10-24 2004-03-07 2005-11-19 blendobox )
  • [create Tony Arcieri] (1: Revactor )
  • [create Transaction Processing] (1: RDBMS )
  • [create TREAT] (1: LEAPS )
  • [create Triple] (1: 2004-05-14 )
  • [create TSV] (1: CRUSH )
  • [create TupleSpace] (1: 2002-06-26 )
  • [create Turbine] (4: 2003-03-10 Expresso Maverick Struts )
  • [create Twisted] (4: Morbid Node pybeanstalk Twotp )
  • [create UDP] (2: Tsunami UDT )
  • [create UltraSPARC T1] (1: 2005-12-11 )
  • [create UMTS] (1: Fredrik Hacklin )
  • [create UniProt] (1: UniProt RDF )
  • [create University of Maryland] (1: HCIL )
  • [create University of Nijmegen] (1: Clean )
  • [create Unix] (6: 2001-07-09 2002-07-05 Graphd libtask runit Unicorn )
  • [create USENET] (1: 2001-12-31 )
  • [create Userland] (2: Dave Winer Radio Userland )
  • [create uServ] (1: 2002-05-26 )
  • [create UTF-16] (1: u8u16 )
  • [create Uwe Keller] (1: MINS )
  • [create Valgrind] (1: Chronicle )
  • [create VAX] (1: DEC )
  • [create Verizon] (1: Compendium )
  • [create Vertica] (1: column-stores )
  • [create VisualWorks] (2: 2008-08-31 Cincom )
  • [create Vita Nuova] (1: Inferno )
  • [create Viva] (1: comment-2002-07-16-1 )
  • [create VLIW] (2: EPIC IA-64 )
  • [create VMS] (1: DEC )
  • [create void] (1: unknown )
  • [create Volker Haarslev] (1: RACER )
  • [create Wally Feurzeig] (1: Logo )
  • [create Web Services] (1: 2005-02-20 )
  • [create] (1: web-microframeworks )
  • [create webapp] (1: web-microframeworks )
  • [create WebDrive] (1: 2002-05-31 )
  • [create weblication] (1: Sash )
  • [create Weidong Chen] (1: HiLog )
  • [create Werken] (1: Bob McWhirter )
  • [create werkflow] (1: Bob McWhirter )
  • [create Wesley Felter] (1: htp )
  • [create X11] (2: Devil's Pie Xmonad )
  • [create x86] (4: 2008-05-19 GNU Lightning Movitz Sassy )
  • [create Xanadu] (2: 2004-01-26 Hypertext )
  • [create Xavier Leroy] (1: 2010-03-02 )
  • [create Xerox] (2: Frank Halasz NoteCards )
  • [create XInclude] (1: 4Suite )
  • [create XLink] (2: 2001-06-12 4Suite )
  • [create XM] (1: Freebase WEX )
  • [create XMC] (2: 2002-04-23 2002-04-24 )
  • [create XML:DB] (1: eXist )
  • [create XNHTML] (1: Ning )
  • [create XNS] (2: 2001-07-15 2002-07-14 )
  • [create XP] (1: Ward Cunningham )
  • [create XPointer] (2: 2001-06-12 4Suite )
  • [create xtremeSpace] (1: comment-2002-06-05-3 )
  • [create XUpdate] (2: Rx4RDF Xindice )
  • [create YACC] (3: 2008-09-20 Gazelle Stephen Johnson )
  • [create Yahoo!] (1: YUI )
  • [create Yale] (2: 2001-12-31 David Gelernter )
  • [create yikes] (1: comment-2002-04-03-1 )
  • [create YouServ] (1: 2002-05-26 )
  • [create ZigZag] (1: 2001-06-10 )
  • [create Zombie] (2: 2002-09-14 Cocktail Favorites )
  • ** (1: *vanilla-attach* )
  • powered by vanilla
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